Scarred By Heaven

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An unsettling and extremely nervous young person who wanders the Otherworld on their own, and seems to know something about the murders plaguing the town. However, Iris would really prefer to just be left alone...


"...I'm trying to help you..."

Iris is a pallid thing. It's difficult to infer anything about him, as his origins and motives are unclear, and he's extremely uneager to give straight answers.

Saki first encounters them alone in the Otherworld, meandering around a fog-covered beach. Unfortunately, all she can learn during this brief encounter is that he's very shy, and clearly hiding something. While Iris tries to persuade her to leave the Otherworld out of a seemingly genuine fear for her safety, Saki rightly suspects that they know something about the case.

Iris' nervous attempts to dodge questions eventually lead to a fight between the two, in which he's forced to reveal his terrifying power...


What Iris lacks in physical strength, speed, and technique is more than made up for by her Mark's brutality.

His power allows him to conjure deadly bone-like spears from his body, and from any surface he's in contact with, within a range of a few meters. The spears' locations are briefly telegraphed by small glowing patches, before quickly bursting forth with enough force to easily skewer anything in their path.

Iris can somewhat control the shape of these growths, and they can vary in size from that of a knife blade, to the height of a person's entire body. While this has the power to be incredibly lethal, Iris fortunately doesn't want to hurt anyone more than is necessary for self-defense. He prefers to rely on small spears and striking at the opponents' limbs to only wound them, rather than kill them.

Unfortunately, however, Iris is the one to teach Saki the potential dangers of someone lacking complete control of their Mark's powers. While he tries his best, the strain of creating and controlling the spears can take both a mental and physical toll on Iris, and cause him to make mistakes with them. Worse still, the spears, for some reason, seem to prefer forming as human-sized spikes as a default...

The 'mark' itself spans horizontally across the front of her neck, mostly obscured by her sweater.
